Data Structures Lab

Data Structures Lab is a core lab for B. Tech IT students. It introduces searching and sorting algorithms and also provides an approach to the description of the semantics of data structures in programming languages, we make the student to learn and solve writing abstract data types for all data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, hash tables, search trees and various sorting and searching methods with recommended systems/software requirements following the university prescribed textbooks and Lab manuals.

The expected outcomes from the students are:

  • Ability to develop C programs for computing and real-life applications using basic elements like control statements, arrays, functions, pointers , strings and data structures like stacks, queues and linked lists
  • Ability to implement searching and sorting algorithms
  • Ability to identify the appropriate data structures for given problems
  • Able  to design and analyze the time and space complexity of algorithm or program
  • Ability to effectively use compilers includes library functions, debuggers and trouble shooting.

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