Design Thinking at IIIT Hyderabad

Organized by            : SERC (SoftwareEngineering Research Center), IIIT Hyderabad.

Program Coordinator: Usha Bala Vangavety, IIIT Hyderabad.

Aim & Objective: Purpose of this Workshop is to provide an exposure to students about practical working environment in Design Thinking.

Description: Department of Data Science has sent 10 students for  the workshop on “Design Thinking” at IIIT Hyderabad ., This program is conducted by SERC on 09th Oct 2021 at IIIT Hyderabad

Design Thinking ‘is an international workshop organized by IIIT Hyderabad the main aim of this workshop is to make the students Think intelligently while doing their project.

They instructed to do some activities, which are below:

  • Firstly the Organisers of the Design Thinking Workshop made us to write our names in A4 sheet in such a manner so that it should withstand the desk as well as our name should be visible to the organisers from all the corners of the hall. For this Purpose they provided us stationary materials to show our uniqueness in the task.
  • Subsequently, they briefed us the introduction of Design Thinking and in which areas we can apply Design thinking.
  • They also showed us the Prototype of a virtual reality headset, its different designs and asked us for any queries related to its design (It was an interactive session).
  • After this, the organisers have divided us into 6 groups of 6 members in each group. They assigned us a task. They have allotted a certain amount of time to complete the task
  • The task was to write down in a sheet all the problems faced by students and faculty in colleges or school while having online classes and online exams.
  • The Problems noted to be of internet network issue, online exam security, voice/video quality issue etc.
  • Later they asked us to write how we can provide solutions to the these problems faced by students and faculty and it should be in the vicinity of our available technology
  • As we finished writing the solutions, they asked us to make a prototype as an app in mobile phone or as a web page in PC.
  • Then the Organisers went to every group one by one and asked the groups to explain the prototypes. After the explanation by the groups, the organisers have given their feedback and also explained area of improvements about the prototypes made by each groups.

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