Visiting / Adjunct Faculty

The department invites different eminent experts from industries/organizations/universities for effective teaching and learning process. Adjunct faculty (part-time faculty) brings out special expertise for the students and encourages the staffs to plan for more activities in their subjects and in methods to create awareness and increase skills among the students.

S. NoAcademic YearName of Adjunct FacultyYear & Semester of the Students for whom the classes are ConductedSubject CoveredNo. of Hours Classes are Conducted
12018-19Mr. Amit Bansal3rd Year 1st and 2nd SemesterCompetitive C Programming, Basic Data Structures and Algorithms, Problem Solving and Advanced Algorithms130Hrs
22019-20Mr. Amit Bansal3rd Year 1st and 2nd SemesterCompetitive C Programming, Basic Data Structures and Algorithms, Problem Solving and Advanced Algorithms130 Hrs
32020-21Mr. Manoj3rd Year 1st and 2nd SemesterCompetitive C Programming, Basic Data Structures and Algorithms, Problem Solving and Advanced Algorithms130 Hrs
42021-22Mr. Manoj3rd Year 1st and 2nd SemesterCompetitive C Programming, Basic Data Structures and Algorithms, Problem Solving and Advanced Algorithms130 Hrs
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