1International Journal of Algorithms Design and Analysis ReviewSTM2
2International Journal of Data Structure StudiesSTM2
3International Journal of Distributed Computing and TechnologySTM2
4International Journal of Image Processing and Pattern RecognitionSTM2
5International Journal of Information Security EngineeringSTM2
6International Journal of Mobile Computing TechnologySTM2
7International Journal of Software Computing and TestingSTM2
8International Journal of Wireless Security and NetworksSTM2
9Journal of Big Data Technology and Business AnalyticsMAT3
10Journal of Sensor and Cloud Computing MAT3
11Journal of Data ProcessingDline4
12International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent  SystemsMAT3
13Journal of Innovations in Data Science and Big Data ManagementMAT3
14International Journal of Mobile and Cloud Systems EngineeringMAT3
15Journal of Network Security Computer NetworksMAT3
16National Journal of Cyber Security LawSTM2
17Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence & it’s applicationsMAT3
18Vikalpa:The Journal for Decision MakersSage4
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