Categories: CSE Department

Education Qualifications

Name of the Degree University Class


Work Experience: 15Years 7 Months

Teaching –             15Years 7 Months

Area of Specialization – IRS, Data Mining, Machine Learning.

Professional Memberships – ISTE

  1. As an Association Coordinator, organized the workshop on “CCNA and its Feature in IT


  1. Module Coordinator for syllabus framing SVEC 16.
  2. Department coordinator for open EBS.
  3. As a Coordinator, organized the Chess Competition conducted by the District Chess Association.

Subjects Handled at Under Graduate Level –

  1. Computer Networks
  2. High Speed Networks
  3. Operating Systems
  4. Computer Architecture (got the 100 % result)
  5. Software Engineering
  6. Database Management Systems
  7. Distributed Systems
  8. Computer Architecture
  9. Cloud Computing.
  10. Advanced Databases
  11. Computer Graphics.
  12. Data Structures
  13. Computer Networks.
  14. IRS.
  15. Cloud Computing.

Subjects Handled at Post Graduate Level –

  1. Advanced Databases
  2. Distributed Computing.
  3. Grid Computing.
  4. High Speed Networks.
  5. IRS
  6. Image processing.
  7. Cloud Computing.

Patents Filed (Title,Application Number,Date of Publication):





  1. Intelligent Shopping Card by using Internet of Things(IoT),

ArtificialIntelligence(AI) and Machine Learning(ML) Technologies(

Patent Number2020102305), Australian Patent.)(APPLICATION STATUS:


Invited Speaker/Resource:

  1. Delivered a Guest Lecture in the Topic “SOFTWARE DESIGN AND ITS TECHNIQUES” at

Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College(Autonomous), Madurai on 20th December 2019.

  1. Delivered a Guest Lecturer in the Topic “RECENT TRENDS IN NETWORK SECURITY” at

Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College (Autonomous), Madurai on 5th February 2021.


No. of Books/Chapters Published Details:–


Details of STTP’s/FDP’s/Workshops/Seminars (Attended & Organized):

  1. Six days Faculty Development Program on “Data Virtualization and Cyber Security in Cloud ”

organized by Dept of CSE, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering 7tt  to12th July 2020.


  1. Two days Faculty Development Program on “Developing E –Content for Effective Teaching

Learning Process” organized by Dept of CSE, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering 1st  to2nd

July 2020.


  1. Five days National Level Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence ” organized

by Dept of IT, CMR Engineering College on 22nd  to 26th  May 2020.


  1. One week Faculty Development Program on “Advances in Python (Django and Flask), Python

for Data Science and Cyber Security” organized by Dept of CSE, Chadalawada Ramanamma

Engineering College In Association with IIT Bombay on 21st to27th May 2020.


  1. Three days Online Faculty Development Program on “Agile Methodology ” organized by Dept

of CSE, St.Joseph’s College of Engineering 20th to22nd May 2020.


  1. National Level Webinar on “Research Challenges on Big Data Analytics By Spark” organized

by Optimistic.ai Solutions On 8th May 2020.


  1. National Level Webinar on “Overview of data Warehousing implementation” organized by

Velammal Institute of Technology, Chennai on 16th May 2020.


  1. Five days Online Faculty Development Program on “Cryptography and Network Security ”

organized by Dept of CSE, Panimalar Institute Technology  on 11th to15th  May 2020.


  1. One week Faculty Development Program on “Innovation to Academicians” organized by Dept

of CSE, Ramachandra College of Engineering and National Science &Technology

entreneurship Development Board(NSTEDB) on 11th to15th  May 2020.


10.One day Faculty Development Program on “Data Analysis & Visualization of Covid-19

Dataset Using Python” organized by Dept of CSE, Jerusalem College of Engineering  on 7th

May 2020.


  1. AICTE sponsored National Seminar on “Emerging Trends and Research Challenges

in Software Defined Network” organized by Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College,

Tirupati, during 15th to 16th December 2017.


  1. One week Faculty Development Program on “Teaching, Learning & Research”

organized by Dept of IT, Sree Vidyanikethan Engineering College(Autonomous) on 20th

to24th June 2017.










Details of Papers Published:

  1. Dr. K.S. KANNAN et al., A distributed submerged object detection and classification

enhancement with deep learning, (Springer Journal) (SCI-E Indexed). ISSN:1573-7578. May



  1. Dr.K.S.KANNAN et al., Segmentation of Hyperspectral Satellite Image Based on Classical

Clustering Method, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Scopus Indexed).

ISSN:1311-8080, Feb 2018.


  1. Dr. K.S. KANNAN et al., Some Insights on Grid Computing: A Study Perspective,

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (Scopus Indexed). ISSN:13118080,

Feb 2018 .


  1. Dr. K.S. KANNAN et al., Impact of GIS in Smart Cities, International Journal for Research in

Applied Science & Engineering Technology (UGC Indexed). ISSN: 2321-9653, Sep 2017.


  1. K.S.KANNAN, Optimal Path Prediction-Based Unified Trajectory Model for Geospatial

Temporal Information Retrieval Systems International Journal of Printing, Packaging &

Allied Sciences, Vol. 4, No. 3, December 2016. Anna University Annexure I.


  1. K.S.KANNAN, Dr.SARAVANAN.R “ Markov-Trivial Similarity Tree – Based ontology

Model for Geospatial Information Retrival systems for Grid computing” in Asian Journal of

Information Technology 15 (12) : 2037-2047 , 2016 . [Scopus Indexed]Anna University

Updated List- 2016.


  1. K.S.KANNAN, Dr.SARAVANAN.R “An Efficient Globus-QoS-driven Job Scheduling

Approach in Grid Environment” in Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(5)

March 2015, Pages: 13-20[Thomson Reuters] Anna University Annexure-II.


  1. K.S.KANNAN, S.DINESH “Hierarchical Cluster based Spatially Relevant Term

Selection” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol.10

No.21(2015) [SCOPUS INDEXED] Anna University Annexure-II.


  1. K.S.KANNAN, Dr.SARAVANAN.R “Multispectral Technologies in Geospatial Grid

Environment” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN

09734562Vol.10 No.49 (2015) [SCOPUS INDEXED] Anna University Annexure-II.


  1. K.S.KANNAN et al., “A Study on Path and Distance Based Query Processing in

Mobile Systems ”in International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

(IJCSMC), Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013. ISSN: 2320-088X.


  1. K.S.KANNAN et al., “A Survey on Generic Query Model for the Heterogeneous Services to

Make Unified Discovery” in International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing

(IJCSMC), Volume 2, Issue 12, December 2013. ISSN: 2320-088X.




  1. K.S.KANNAN et al., “ Management of Data Provenance through Shrewdness Schema in

Geosciences Application” in CIIT International Journal of Networking and Communication

Engineering on April 09 2014. ISSN: 0974-9551. IF: 0.14.


  1. K.S.KANNAN et al., “Distance based Query Processing in Mobile Applications” in CIIT

International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering on April 09 2014. ISSN:

0974- 9616. IF:0.4.


  1. K.S.KANNAN et al., “A Proficient  Data  Repertory Acumen Layout to  Supervise  Data

Provenance in GeoScience Application” in International Journal of Engineering and Technical

Research (IJETR) ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-2, Issue-5, May 2014.


  1. K.S.KANNAN et al., “A Proteus Configuration to Respond to the Various Web Services” in

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR) ISSN: 2321-

0869,Volume- 2, Issue-5, May 2014.


  1. K.S.KANNAN et al., “Distance based Query Processing System for Mobile Applications” in

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR) ISSN: 2321-0869,

Volume- 2, Issue-5, May 2014

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