Dr. Gautam Kumar

Position: Associate Professor
Categories: CSE Department

Education Qualifications


Name of the Degree Specialization
PhD  Computer Science and Engineering
M.Tech Computer Science and Engineering
B.E Computer Science and Engineering

Work Experience: 15.6+ Years Teaching –      12+ Years Research –                         3.5 Years

Area of Specialization – Cryptography, Information Security, Algorithms Design and Analysis

Professional Memberships – National Cyber Safety and Security Standard, IAENG

Responsibilities held at Institution Level – Institute’s Innovation Council, President (MHRD, New Delhi) and Smart-India Hackthon, Convenor, (MHRD, New Delhi)

Responsibilities held at Department Level – Int’l Conf. “ICCCE”-2021, Convener, National Workshop on “Security, Privacy, Challenges and Opportunities with Current Tools and Techniques: A Research Perspective” Convener.

Research Guidance – Nil

Awards Received: (i) Sessions Chair of PDGC-2020 (IEEE), Jaypee University, H.P, (ii) Session Chair in International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning & Applications, Springer, Hyderabad-2019, (iii) (v) session chair in IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning & Applied Network Technologies IEEE-ICMLNT-2020, 20 Dec 2020 at CMT Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India, (iv) National Programme on Technological Enhanced Learning certified on Cryptography and Network Security-2019

Subjects Handled at Under Graduate Level – (i) Data Structure & Algorithms (ii) Advanced Data Structure (iii) Design & Analysis of Algorithm (iv) Real Time System (v) Information System Security (vi) Computer Architecture (vii) Compiler Design (viii) Logic & Functional Programming (ix) Operating System (x) Discrete Mathematics (xi) Artificial Intelligence (xii) Wireless Communication Techniques (xiii) Advanced Computer Architecture & (xiv) Theory of Computation

Subjects Handled at Post Graduate Level – (i) Critical System Design (ii) Wireless Communication Techniques (iii) Advanced Data Structure

Patents Filed (Title, Application Number, Date of Publication):

  • Agriculture Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Network, Application 201941046017, Publication 17/01/2020, Office Journal No. 03/2020.
  • Permissioned Blockchain Networks Using Hyperledger Fabric, Application 202041003811, Publication 07/02/2020, Office Journal No. 06/2020.

Invited Speaker/Resource: (i) Keynote Talks in Int’l e-Conf. on Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence (IeCMLML), 9th Oct 2020 @ LIET Rajasthan. (ii) Expert Talk in FDP on “Ambient Technologies: State-of-Art, Challenges, and Future Directions” August 6, 2020 @ Jaypee University, H.P, (iii) Expert Talk in AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) (FDP) on ‘Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Dynamic Systems related to Cyber Defencedated 11 June 2021, ((iv) Expert Talk in (FDP) on ‘Blockchain Technology: Architecture & its Applicationdated 16 June 2021 @ ABES Ghaziabad, UP.


No. of Books/Chapters Published Details:

  • Gautam Kumar (India), Dinesh Kumar Saini (Oman) and Nguyen Ha Huy Cuong (Vietnam) (Editors), “Cyber Defense Mechanisms: Security, Privacy, and Challenges” CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, USA, September ISBN 9780367408831.DOI: https://doi.org/10.1201/9780367816438
  • Gautam Kumar (India), Om Prakash Singh (England) and Hemraj Saini (India) (Editors), titled 1st Edition “Cybersecurity: Ambient Technologies, IoT, and Industry 0 Implications” CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, USA, September 2021. ISBN 978-0-367- 70216-8. (Online)

Details of STTP’s/FDP’s/Workshops/Seminars (Attended & Organized):23

Details of Papers Published:9


No of BOOK CHAPTER (International):4




REVIEWER: Journal of (i) Security and Communication Networks [Indexed in Science Citation Index, SCOPUS, DBLP, Compendex], (ii) The Computer Journal, Oxford Academic [Indexed in Science Citation Indexed, SCOPUS], and (iii) Reputes of IEEE/ACM/Springer International Conferences.

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