Due to technological advances in laboratory instruments and higher throughput processes, data volumes in modern analytical laboratories have increased dramatically over the last several decades. While this increased data volume presents the opportunity to improve innovation and enable timely and effective business decisions, it also presents significant data management and processing challenges. In order to meet the challenge of turning this data into knowledge, various industry attached laboratories are looking to automate and integrate laboratory operations and processes as much as possible in order to provide digital continuity throughout the product lifecycle.

To make better engineers the Industry attached Laboratories follows the concept of Experiential Education using Graphical system design approach. With a mission to educate students and to discover and disseminate knowledge through research, producing world class engineers tuned to the demands of a fast changing global needs.

The various industry attached Laboratory shows a new mechanism to improve the innovation ability of Students, research scholars and to collaborate with the Industry persons. It provides a platform for the students, Research scholars in the department to share their knowledge. The Laboratory also supports in conducting experiments, Short Term Training Programmes and Hands-on Workshops majorly covering all areas of research and upskilling in Programming Languages with the help of Certification. The currently we have Capgemini, Virtusa, CISCO and Dell EMC as the partners for improving the knowledge of students in the specific domain.

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