Faculty Hand Book

Faculty Handbook

The Faculty Handbook is an extremely useful document since it consolidates much of the information that the faculty members need during their careers at CMR engineering college. Going by the very name, it should be viewed as a guide; the details of rules and regulations govern the institution are  covered in this handbook. The utility of such a Handbook is immense, especially for a newly joining faculty member. However, relying on the overall help extended by all the colleagues of an academic unit to the newly joining faculty members, such an exercise was possibly not formalized so far this faculty handbook is an attempt to bridge this gap and to present all the consolidated information in the form of a single document.

  1. CSE FHB AY 2018-2019
  2. CSE FHB AY 2019-2020
  3. CSE FHB AY 2020-2021
  4. CSE FHB AY 2021-2022
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