If you are looking for all the books on a particular subject, it is convenient to browse the shelves for that subject. Library books are being arranged within each collection by their Subject Codes using Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) System. This process is under way and steps are being taken to speed it up.
DDC uses a hierarchical coding system which means sub groups fall within the same array of codes. For example-

Computer Science Engineering 004
Mechanical Engineering 620
Electronics Engineering 621.38

DDC codes for other main subject groups are:
000-099    General Works (Computer Science)
100-199    Philosophy
200-299    Religion
300-399    Social Sciences
400-499    Language
500-599    Natural Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry)
600-699    Applied Sciences (MECH, EEE, ECE)
800-899    Literature
Borrowing Books:
After selecting your books from the library shelves please present the same at the lending counter along with your College ID card. Only members are entitled to borrow books from the library.

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