Humanities and Sciences Department-GUEST LECTURES

Guide Lines to Guest/Expert Lectures:

1. Collect the subject expert details with address & contact numbers from faculty of each subject/other sources, sem/year wise.

 2. Based on the students difficulty towards the subject and priority of the subject importance, finalize the subjects sem/year wise for the guest lecturers with the acceptance of HOD.

3. Plan of GLs for sem/year wise along with budget (tentative).

4. Should maintain the list of formats like GL invitation (soft copy & Hard copy), Consent / Acceptance letter, GL profile (in presented format), GL material (soft copy & Hard copy), Payment details, Thanking Letter etc.

5. Prepare the Status Report on GLs

6. Status report on GLs held and planned in future (last A.Y & Present A.Y)

7. Maintain all details of the GLs along with Status Reports.

A.Y. 2018-19

A.Y. 2019-20

A.Y. 2020-21

A.Y. 2021-22

A.Y. 2023-24

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