Student Target Enhancement Program (STEP) and STEP-Material (Unleashing Potential) are offered from the first to final year periodically. It can act as a platform for students to gain insight into examinations to get the best outcomes, interact with faculties and take their advice for scoring the highest makes, and Kindle the spirit of enquiry and build relevant skills. It can go about as a stage for understudies to acquire knowledge into scholastic subject, that contains unit-wise ideas and covering the significant subjects of past question papers in a type of e- assets. Electronic assets (or e-assets) are materials in digital format accessible electronically. We commit to supporting student learning and engagement to increase their performance, while respecting their social emotional development. Through flexible delivery for students, the faculties practice inclusive principles and maintains an environment conducive for the diverse range of learners to successfully access the knowledge through complete syllabus of each subject. Provision of Enrichment programs within and beyond the classroom – extension, problem-solving. Specialist planning and instruction with subject faculties to maximise learning outcomes for students. STEP Material includes following parts: Part A: Short Answer Questions Part B: Long Answer Questions Part C: Important Questions by referring the previous question papers.

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