IIC(Industry Institute Interaction Cell)

Industry Institute Interaction Cell is established to provide closer links with industries.
The purpose of the cell is to find out the gap between need of the industry and end
product of the institute. The cell is the bridge between the industry, the real world
and the institute. To organize Workshop on trending technologies by experts in the
field. To assist the Departments in organizing workshops, conferences and symposia
with joint participation of the industries. Encouraging Engineers from industries to
visit institution to deliver lectures. Visits of industry executives and practising
engineers to the Institute for seeing research work and laboratories, discussions and
delivering lectures on industrial practices, trends and experiences. Memoranda of
Understanding between the Institute and industries to bring the two sides
emotionally and strategically closer. Short-term assignment to faculty members in
Visiting faculty/professors from industries.
Professorial Chairs sponsored by industries at the Institute.
R&D Laboratories sponsored by industries at the Institute.

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