Stakeholders’ Feedback

Who are the stakeholders in higher education? Naturally, the answer is: all those who are favourably affected if the institutions of higher education provide quality education and, conversely, are adversely affected otherwise. Thus, a stakeholder (with regard to an institution of higher education) is a person (or group) that has an interest in the activities of the institution. From this viewpoint, the teachers, both working and superannuated; the students, those presently receiving education in the institution and the alumni; the parents and the non-teaching staff are the direct (or internal) stakeholders since they are directly connected to the institution concerned. In a larger perspective, the students who belong to the catchment domain of the institution of higher education and hence are likely to be admitted to the institution, the industries, the service sector, other educational establishments, the government, etc. that may depend on the institution for the supply of educated/skilled human resources or educational/ research services are all indirect (or external) stakeholders. The people of the area in which the institution of higher education is located also are the indirect stakeholders. An awareness to the perception of those stakeholders as well as the suggestions that they may give, are, therefore, very important for maintaining and improving the quality of services rendered by the institution of higher education.

The format for obtaining the perception and suggestions of different (direct or internal) stakeholders concerned with an institution of higher education is given below:

You can send your feedback & suggestions to

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