Student Hand Book

The  Student Handbook is to establish guidelines and awareness among students  about the Vision ,Mission of the Department  and  Program Educational Outcomes along with program outcomes by which the student will gain knowledge about the PEO’s and PO’s. Also the student handbook contains University Rules and Regulations. The Student Handbook gives information about support services, student rights and responsibilities and College and academic policies.

The Student Handbook also includes a regular planning calendar with important events called as event planner .The Subject Planner consists of complete planning and monitoring of overall activities of the subject.

The Student Handbook contains the list of contents as follows:

  1. Vision, Mission Of The Department
  2. List of PEOs & POs
  3. Departmental Profile
  4. University Regulations
  5. Academic Calendar by JNTU
  6. Event Planner
  7. List of Subjects / Labs
  8. Subject Planners

S.H 2023-24

S.H. 2023-24
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