Anti Ragging Committee

UGC Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009

AICTE guidelines for Prevention and prohibition of Ragging in technical Institutions, 2009

Anti Ragging- Undertaking Form

– 2024-25 AR & DC

– 2023-24 AR & DC

– 2022-23 AR & DC

– 2021-22 AR & DC

Ragging is strictly prohibited inside and outside the CMR Engineering College campus. The Anti-Ragging Committee constituted for this purpose by the constituent institutes is empowered to take an immediate action against any incident and fresher. Students seeking admission shall have to furnish undertaking in this regard. The student will be required to give an undertaking in the pro forma, signed by himself/herself and his/her parent/guardian to the effect that he/she is aware of the CMR College’s approach towards ragging and the punishment to which he/she shall be liable, if found guilty of ragging.

All the students admitted under the institute will have to observe and abide by the discipline rules prescribed by the CMR Engineering College/Institute and he/she will submit to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the Head of the Institution. General and other officers or authorities or bodies of the CMR Engineering College as the case may be and in this respect he/she has to submit the declaration in the pro forma at the time of admission.

To enhance familiarity and to acclimatize the fresher to the academic and social environment of the campus, the institute organizes an orientation session in the first week of each new academic calendar. The Institute has taken a number of stringent measures to prevent ragging as per the directions of Honorable Supreme court and UGC regulations 2009. A few of these measures are as under:

Anti Ragging Committee: The Anti ragging committee is headed by Head of the institute, other committee members are Dean, representatives of senior students, representatives of first year students and their parents. The committee is overall respond ragging measures in the Institute as per UGC regulations.

Anti ragging Squad: The Anti Ragging squad will monitor and will have surprise checks at vulnerable places. It will also investigate any incident of ragging and will recommend the punishments to Anti Ragging committee for suitable action as per Clause regulations 2009.

As per orders of the HONORABLE SUPREME COURT and UGC Regulations, 2009, Ragging in all its form is totally banned in the Institute. Anyone found guilty of ragging and/or abetting ragging, actively or passively or being part of a conspiracy to prior to face any one or more of the following punishments:

  • FIR with Police
  • Suspension/ expulsion from the hostel
  • Suspension from attending classes
  • Debarring from Campus placement
  • Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination
  • Debarring from appearing in any test/ examination
  • Rustication from the institution for period ranging from one to four Semesters.
  • Entry on the Character Certificate regarding the punishments received
  • Cancelation of admission


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